Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

Semarang District Carnival 2014

    After 16 years, finally Ambarawa became the host of Semarang District Carnival 2014. This was an annual event to celebrate Indonesia Independence Day. All the contestants; elementary to senior high school students, government officials, some financial institutions, representatives of local arts, and many others had done a huge preparation to participate in this event. As a representative of Gugus Palagan, SD Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa performed the drumband.
           The event was held on August 18, 2014. The ceremony started in Pangsar Jendral Sudirman Field at about one thirty. The long march was released by the Regent, Dr. Mundjirin ES.SpOg. The route of the trip: Pangsar Jendral Sudirman Field - Bugisan - Tambakboyo - Pasar Projo - Monumen Palagan - Polsek Ambarawa.
           Here were some photographs of SD Pangudi Luhur Ambarawa students, teachers, and parents who were participating in  the event.


The Drum Majorettes:
Lava Dhea Shafa Maretha & Veronika Vanny Pakpahan
Ferbiyani Gunawan
Gracella Mutiara Dewi, Lava Dhea Shafa Maretha, Ferbiyani Gunawan, and Shavana Edelia Pramesti
The Drum Majorettes and The Colour Guard

The Trip:

Photos by Dwi Set.

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